Something about Me

Hi! I’m Jun Lu, a first-year master student in biostatistics at Columbia Univerisity. I’m learning many interesting and useful biostatistical courses during my master program, such as Data Science I & II, Biostatistical Methods I & II and Statistical Inference. I’m also learning machine learning and deep learning by myself.

In the future, I want to start my career as a biostatistician or a statistician.

Something about This Website

I’m trying to summarize what I have learnt and what I have done and put some of them on this website. However, I’m still working on it, so there is a lot of blank space on this site now. After completing, you can see more projects and homework I have done before here.

Hope the information on this website could help you know me better.

Contact Information


Phone Number: 646 338 0835

Feel free to contact me!